Why need To Know Your Vitamin D Levels

Vitamin D not only affects your bones and joints, it affects multiple systems in your body. Although India is a sunshine country, the irony is that 70% Indians have below normal Vitamin D levels.


We recommend every individual to get their Vitamin D levels tested atleast once a year, consult their clinicians and take corrective action.

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A visit to a medical lab and save tax

A visit to a medical lab or diagnostic center can help you save tax 

This is a yearly phenomenon that happens at the end of every financial year. All kinds of financial service providers – right from banks to insurers to fund houses and now the likes of Paytm – start taking up space not just in our inboxes and messages but also hoardings all over the city pushing one thing: how you and me can save on tax by using their products.

Now, jumping on board the ‘milk the tax saving season’ bandwagon are medical diagnostic laboratories. Many renowned diagnostic c ..

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Genomic tests for cancer

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Signs likeness for may

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Uber offers free pick-n-drop to labs

Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur. Enim vel et ea commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit.

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Gathered was divide second

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.

Nunc blandit tincidunt consequat. Duis diam metus, suscipit in pulvinar eget, egestas id arcu. Duis a enim vel mauris ultrices. Nullam aliquet velit ac velit tempus in semper neque auctor. Aenean ligula mi, auctor sed tempus ultrices, semper tempus diam.

Etiam pellentesque, suscipit in pulvinar eget placerat, leo leo consequat ante, non iaculis turpis augue ac ligula. Nunc blandit tincidunt consequat. Duis diam metus, suscipit in pulvinar eget, egestas id arcu. Duis a enim vel mauris ultrices. Nullam aliquet velit ac velit tempus in semper neque auctor. Aenean ligula mi, auctor sed tempus ultrices, semper tempus diam.

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Want Blood Tests To Hurt Less ? Sleep More!

What scares you or repels you the most when you think of getting a blood test done? For most people, it is the pain associated with blood collection that makes them go weak in their knees. Well, there’s a simple solution that nature has provided us to reduce the amount of pain we feel and to improve our tolerance to pain. It’s sound sleep. Evidence now backs the fact that good quality sleep for an adequate duration can provide a robust and natural tool to raise our endurance to pain. Read on to find more.

Single Night Of Sleep Deprivation Reduces A Person’s Pain Threshold By Over 15%: Study

Veteran insomniacs know in their bones what science has to say about sleep deprivation and pain: that the two travel together; one fueling the other.

For instance, people who develop chronic pain often lose the ability to sleep well, and quickly point to a bad back, sciatica or arthritis as the reason. The loss of sleep in turn, can make a bad back feel worse, and the next night’s slumber even more difficult.

Why sleep deprivation amplifies pain is not fully worked out, but it has to do with how the body responds to an injury. First, it hurts, as nerves send a blast up the spinal cord and into the brain. There, a network of neural regions flares in reaction to the injury and works to manage, or blunt, the sensation.

In a sleep-lab experiment, the researchers found that a single night of sleep deprivation reduced a person’s pain threshold by over 15% and left a clear signature in the brain’s pain-management centers.

In a separate experiment, the team determined that small deviations in the average amount of sleep from one day to another predicted the level of overall pain felt the next day.

“What’s exciting about these findings is that they will stimulate, and justify, doing more research to figure this system out.” Said Michael J Twery, Director of sleep disorders branch of National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, who was not involved in the new study. “Once we understand how sleep deprivation changes how these pathways function, we should be able to manage pain more effectively.”

The subjects judge the pain sensation of having a small, heated pad pressed against their skin, near the ankle. By gradually adjusting the temperature up and down, the researchers identified the level of pain that each person graded as 10 or “unbearable” on a scale of 1 to 10.

Pulling an all-nighter increased everyone’s sensitivity to heat the next morning by 15 to 30% on the pain scale. But the brain imaging added a new dimension: For each participant, activity spiked in pain perception regions, and plunged in regions thought to help manage or reduce pain. The biggest peaks were in the somatosensory cortex, a strip of neural tissue that runs across the top of the brain like a headphone band.

In a separate trial, the research team recruited 60 adults online who reported having daily pain. For each individual, poor sleep quality predicted higher ratings on the daily pain scale. The duration of sleep was not the critical factor, the study found; what mattered were alterations to deep sleep, the mostly dreamless period of rich slumber.

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